After France, Monaco overhauls theoretical driving test

Monaco’s Code de la Route has been updated to reflect the times, and now includes more visuals and clearer questions, as well as a section on environmentally-responsible driving.

According to Aurélie Peri, Head of the Traffic Documents Department, authorities in Monaco only “recently” learned of the changes to France’s theoretical driving test, which were applied on 12th September.

Luckily, said Peri, her department was in the process of implementing its own updated version of the ‘Code de la Route’ (Highway Code exam).

On Monday 2nd October, the government confirmed that Monaco’s new highway code was being applied as of 1st October 2023.

“The Traffic Documents Service has been working for more than a year now on the overhaul of the Highway Code in Monaco,” said Peri. “This is a mission that my Department – and more specifically the driving licence section – has been carrying out in consultation with local driving schools and experts in the field to achieve the most balanced and up-to-date project possible. And I must say that I am very proud that we have today achieved this overhaul with the help and support of the stakeholders concerned.”

As the previous questions included in Monaco’s Code de la Route were over 10 years old, “It therefore seemed necessary to us to carry out this reform to modernise this examination, make it clearer and intelligible to everyone,” added Peri.

The new questions are therefore clearer and include more modern visuals to make it easier for people to understand the situations presented to them.

The database now has around 800 questions, which are randomly presented in each test.

While the questions will primarily be focused on basic traffic rules like signalling and priority, questions related to eco-driving are also now included in the test.

“That is to say more responsible and environmentally friendly driving. This is naturally part of the desired approach implemented in the Principality in terms of soft mobility and environmental protection,” said Peri.

 It should be kept in mind that the only difference on this subject lies in the regulations linked to traffic documents, in particular the driving licence with points and the sanctions linked to it. Apart from these specificities, and therefore the questions related to them, all the rules related to traffic are identical.

The teaching of the Code de la Route is the same in Monaco and in France, however there are differences in the points and fines associated with a driving licence, and it is only these questions that vary in the Monaco test, confirmed Peri.


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France updates and modernises its infamous highway code test


Photo by Monaco Life



Covid vaccine dates brought forward to combat rising case numbers

The first doses of the latest Covid vaccine have landed in the Côte d’Azur two weeks early following a spike in local cases. 

The school and summer holidays are over, and with the return of kids and adults to school and work comes the usual round of viruses that make their way through the population. Amongst those is the latest variant of Covid, a sub-variant of Omicron that reared up earlier in the year.  

France had set a mid-October date to launch the next vaccination campaign, but in light of a rising number of cases, officials have decided to move the date to 2nd October to allow vulnerable people a chance to get a jumpstart on protection.  


Unlike in the darkest days of the pandemic, getting the latest Covid inoculation is non-obligatory, but is being recommended for those over 65, those with co-morbidities, pregnant women and nursing home residents.   

It is also encouraged in those who work with or have regular contact with the vulnerable. Though these people are being prioritised, anyone who wishes to do so can be vaccinated so long as it has been six months since their most recent injection, according to the Health Department.  

A public vaccination centre in Nice located at 10 Rue Hancy is offering jabs, as are a selection of pharmacies in the region. For a list of doctors, nurses or pharmacies offering the new Covid vaccination, click here


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Photo source: Daniel Schludi, Unsplash

Who was where: Photos of Ribco Monaco and Brooks Brothers’ MYS cocktail party

As part of the Monaco Yacht Show 2023, Greek shipyard Ribco together with Brooks Brothers, America’s oldest apparel brand with a store in Monaco, have hosted a joint cocktail reception.

Ribco is famous for the design and construction of the Ribco luxury and performance chase boats, while Brooks Brothers has the unique distinction of outfitting 42 of 46 US presidents. The prestigious pair hosted a cocktail reception at the Brooks Brothers store, located at the Yacht Club de Monaco, on Friday 29th September.

Among the guests at Friday night’s cocktail were Minister of State Pierre Dartout.

Minister of State Pierre Dartout (centre) with Helene Dartout, right: Konstantinos Tsouvelekakis (Shareholder, Ribco Monaco / Brooks Brothers Monaco), left: Elya Tsouvelekakis (Art & Collectibles Specialist), Spyros Tsouvelekakis (Director, Ribco Monaco)

“We are proud to present the Ribco new models to the Brooks Brothers guests and loyal clients here, at YCM, the perfect setting in the Principality, not only for yacht club members but also for Monaco’s residents and visitors,” said Konstantinos Tsouvelekakis, Shareholder of Ribco Monaco and Brooks Brothers Monaco.

Director of Ribco Makis Marinis added: “We are excited to say that the 2023 Monaco Yacht Show has been one more successful participation for Ribco, offering the opportunity to visitors to see and try our Ribco latest models.”

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Photos source: Brooks Brothers. 



Sospel kids get their learn-to-swim certificates from Princess Charlene Foundation

Around 50 children have graduated from the ‘Sospel Natation Azur’ learn-to-swim programme backed by the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation and included in their school curriculum.

The project, initiated in 2022 and supported by the Foundation in partnership with the city of Sospel and the PACA League of the French Swimming Federation (FFN), aims to teach swimming as part of the school curriculum to children in the city as well as in the municipalities of Breil-sur-Roya and Moulinet.

This year, the project’s duration had been extended to include the month of June, allowing nearly 400 children from kindergarten to 6ème to acquire the minimum skills necessary for water safety and to take the ‘Sauv’Nage’ test approved by the French Swimming School and the FFN.

Photo credit: Eric Mathon, Prince’s Palace

On Thursday 28th September, more than 50 children from the CE2, CM1 and CM2 classes of the Sospel school participated in their last swimming lessons of the season, supervised by certified lifeguards from the FFN and holders of a State Diploma in aquatic activities and swimming.

Certificates of participation, FFN medals, and swim caps in the colours of the Foundation were awarded to each child in the presence of Gareth Wittstock, Secretary-General of the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation, Remi Besson, Member of the Management Committee of the PACA League of the FFN, and Jean-Mario Lorenzi, Mayor of Sospel.

‘Sospel Natation Azur’ is an important local project for the Foundation, whose main mission is to enhance aquatic education to prevent drowning.

It complements the project ‘La Turbie Natation Azur’ at the Princess Charlene Municipal Pool in La Turbie, which in June 2023 also allowed 310 children aged between four and 10 to receive swimming lessons at different levels, certifying their ability to stay safe in the water.


Photos: Princess of Monaco Cup returns and takes over Casino Square

Main photo credit: Eric Mathon, Prince’s Palace

Photos: Prince Albert hits the road to visit Cherbourg then Italy 

Days after attending the Monaco Yacht Show, Prince Albert II of Monaco headed north to the French port city of Cherbourg to visit a shipyard building a pioneering polar vessel and lead a talk at the Festival Grand Océan. 

It has been a busy few days for Monaco’s sovereign. After appearing at a series of events in and around Port Hercule during the 2023 edition of the Monaco Yacht Show, Prince Albert hit the road and headed to Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, and specifically the Constructions Mécaniques de Normandie (CMN) shipyard, on Friday 29th September. 

It was here that the Prince was pictured touring the site and meeting with the engineers and designers who are building the Tara Polar Station for the Tara Ocean Foundation. When finished, the futuristic vessel will become a drifting scientific base in the Arctic for up to 20 people.  

Prince Albert II of Monaco was taken on a comprehensive tour of the Constructions Mécaniques de Normandie shipyard. Photo credit: Axel Bastello / Palais Princier de Monaco

Later that day, Prince Albert participated in the Festival Grand Océan, where he presented the work of his eponymous Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco and appeared on a panel discussing the Tara Polar Station alongside Romain Troublé, the General Director of the Tara Ocean Foundation, and Serge Quaranta, the CEO of the CMN shipyard.  

The weekend saw the Prince indulge some of his more leisurely interests as he travelled to Rome to enjoy a bit of Ryder Cup action at the Marco Simone Golf & Country Club, which is roughly an hour outside of the city.  

Prince Albert will also be spending the next few days in Italy as his schedule is taking him to Calabria on Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th October. The Prince will be visiting the towns of Taurianova, Terranova Sappo Minulio and Seminara to welcome them into the fold of the Sites Historiques Grimaldi de Monaco.  

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Photo credits: Axel Bastello / Palais Princier de Monaco


Princess Stéphanie to be inducted into prestigious Circus Ring of Fame 

Princess Stéphanie circus

In honour of her life-long love of and support for the circus, Princess Stéphanie of Monaco will soon be inducted into the Circus Ring of Fame, a designation given only to people who have contributed significantly to the art and culture of the circus.  

The Circus Ring of Fame, put on by the Foundation of the same name, was created in 1987 as a way of paying tribute to artists and patrons of the circus arts. Some 160 people have been honoured since, such as P.T. Barnum and all five of the Ringling Brothers. Princess Stéphanie will join her father, the late Prince Rainier III, as a member of the prestigious Circus Ring of Fame next February when she will be officially inducted into this special group of people. 


On 19th September, it was announced that Princess Stéphanie, President of the Festival International du Cirque de Monte Carlo and an outspoken advocate for circuses, was to be inducted into the Class of 2024, along with four other initiates: the equestrian, animal trainer and vocalist Catherine Hanneford Carden; Guinness World Record-holders and human cannonballs David Smith Jr. and David Smith Sr.; and circus executive and producer Wayne McCary. 

“This year’s distinguished class truly embodies the pinnacle of excellence within the circus arts and culture,” said Bill Powell, Chairperson of the Foundation. “We offer our heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of them. With such an extraordinary ensemble of honourees representing a diverse array of talents, we are poised for an unforgettable celebration.”  


The Festival International du Cirque de Monte Carlo was created 1974 by Prince Rainier III. Princess Stéphanie has always been enthusiastic about the event, which is well-known as one of the most creative and competitive platforms for the circus arts, and took over its reins in 2006. In recent years, Princess Stéphanie has expanded its reach by forming the New Generation Festival to recognise up and coming talent.  

She has also been patron of the World Circus Federation, created in 2008, since its inception.  


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Photo source: Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo / Facebook