All about the ‘Info-Tri’ campaign on how to sort waste correctly

Is it household waste? Can it go in the yellow bin or should it go to the déchèterie? The rules on sorting waste can be very confusing, but France is seeking to simplify the situation with its Info-Tri campaign.  

With so many different bins, complicated symbols and complex codes that can seem like gibberish to the layperson, sorting waste sometimes feels more difficult than it should be so the French government has decided to do something about it and has expanded its signage campaign to help clear up any confusion.  

The idea is that the public will be able to decide what waste goes where at a simple glance thanks to the clever signage system called ‘Info-Tri’.  

Two examples of the Info-Tri stickers that are being added to products sold in France

L’Info-Tri stickers have been gradually appearing on more and more items since the summer of 2022, but now the labels will be applied a great many more products and give further clarity to consumers.

It is hoped that this sticker system, when combined with a new video campaign, will allow “everyone to better sort their everyday products, packaging and used devices, thanks to a clear and precise indication of where to sort them”. 

The Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion is also promoting its online simulator that lists all the “destination possibilities” of questionable items, such as broken or heavily-used devices and appliances. Check it out here.  


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Photo by Monaco Life