Monday, November 26, the President of the Economic and Social Council (CES), André Garino, gathered many personalities of the Principality, including HE Mr. Minister of State, Serge Telle, Government Councilors and representatives of the economic and social world, on the occasion of the traditional annual reception of CES.
In his speech, President Garino referred to the positive results of the past three years, during which 18 vows and 4 reports were drafted, and underlined the importance of the consultative role of this Assembly, a privileged forum for dialogue and proposals. whose vocation is to give an opinion on subjects related to the economic and social life of the country.
Subsequently, he expressed the wish that the Economic and Social Council continue to be associated with the reflections, on all the texts of social and economic nature.
Finally, President Garino also spoke about the next appointment of the new President of ESC and the renewal of its members.