Anti-aging insights

MCA Live, or Monte-Carlo Aesthetics Live & Practical Congress, is the largest beauty and anti-aging live show in Europe, welcoming delegates and exhibitors at the Grimaldi Forum on 8th and 9th November 2019. Wellness contributor Marina Matkova is a regular guest at the event and she shared her insights for our readers.[ihc-hide-content ihc_mb_type=”show” ihc_mb_who=”2″ ihc_mb_template=”1″ ]


As a healthcare professional, it is absolutely crucial to be up to date with cutting-egde scientific information in anti-aging medicine, and MCA Live Congress is an excellent resource for that. Hearing high impact lectures delivered by world renowned doctors, I discover a wide range of new ideas and approaches for the most optimal results. The conference is a great opportunity to interact with international specialists in beauty and rejuvenation industry.

Under the supervision of scientific director and famous Doctor Claude Dalle, the longevity fundamentals were presented in sessions: smart ageing, microbiota news, epigenetics etc.

The most impressive was a speech by Doctor Michael Sagner about metabolic endocrinology where, besides the importance of lifestyle choices, he also reviled the forecast from Bank of America: “The Anti-aging business will balloon to 610 billion dollars by 2025, from an estimated 110 billion currently”.

Doctor Jean-Marc Villafranca

During his presentation, Doctor Jean-Marc Villafranca rephrased the greatest slogans:

Hippocrate: All disease begins in the gut… To: Aging begins in the gut.

Paracelse: What is food for one is poison to another one… To: With age some food may be toxic to most.

Metchnikoff: The study of immunity is part of the chapter on digestion from a general point of view… To: The study of rejuvenation is part of the chapter on digestion from a general point of view.

Having attained a master’s degree in Nutritional Science, it is obvious to point out the role of gut microflora in complete health regeneration. Nowadays, nutrition and micro-nutrition are the only proactive tool towards intelligent wellbeing together with genetic and microbiome biomarker testing. It might be a costly challenge to survive on “anti-nutrients” like junk food on a daily basis. My vision in lifestyle management is based on guiding people to reach their ultimate performance by becoming a biohacker and a superhuman for themselves.

See you next time at AMWC 2020 the Aesthetic & Anti-aging Medicine World Congress in Grimaldi Forum, Monaco 2-3-4 April 2020!


