Back to Nature, free eco-workshop Sunday at StarDeck


EcoHub is back with its first event in 2018 taking place on Sunday, December 14, from 1 pm to 5 pm, at StarDeck.

The free environmental workshop on Stars’n’Bars’ upper floor promises an afternoon of exploring nature, for all ages, with fun and games investigating the world of insects, plant life and animals. Participants will learn how to protect nature by reducing waste and recycling everyday materials – such as wood, plastic, water and fabric – in creative ways.

One in a series of EcoHub Sundays promoting eco-wellbeing, the conference will feature Murielle Mouflard’s Unknown World of Insects, as well as topics like saving whales and dolphins with The Animal Fund and discovering life in nature with Nicolas Volaire.

The association S’PECE (Awareness of Environmental Protection and Species Conservation), which was created to improve environmental knowledge of fauna and flora, mainly in the PACA region, will have a stand identifying animal footprints, with the example of snakes visible in the natural environment. They will additionally present the impact of waste disposal on the planet.

Stars’n’Bars’ eco-animators will also be on hand Sunday to lead an “EcoBrico” activity. No registration necessary.

