The Prix Monte-Carlo “Woman and Sport,” under the High Patronage of Prince Albert of Monaco and under the Honorary Presidency of Princess Charlene, is an international award aimed at celebrating women from various parts of the world and various fields, who, thanks to their personal or professional actions, have had a positive impact on their own lives or on the lives of others.
The seventh edition of the award, created by the journalist Cinzia Sgambati-Colman in 2012, will take place on Monday, May 14 in Monaco, sponsored by Walgreens Alliance Boots, the first global pharmacy-led, health and wellbeing enterprise in the world. The venue is Salle de la Mer, Fairmont Monte-Carlo.
This year the judging Committee will review the applications and will select two winning candidates, who will receive the award in a ceremony during the gala dinner.
As in past editions, the Committee will award two prizes: the first candidate will be rewarded for outstanding international projects and the second candidate will be recognised for her amazing initiatives within the Principality of Monaco.
The judging Committee of the Prix Monte-Carlo “Woman of the Year” includes: Cinzia Sgambati-Colman, President of the award committee and CEO of MonteCarloin; Stéphane Valeri, President of the National Council; Marietta Vinci Corsini, antique dealer and administrator of GIE-Point Art Monaco; Smadar Eisenberg, President of AOPMC (Amis de l’Orchestre Philarmonique de Monte-Carlo); Maria Betti, Director of the Institute for Transuranium Elements in Karlsruhe U.E; Maria Lefebvre d’Ovidio; José Giannotti, General Agent and Director of Personal Insurance at Generali Insurance; Vladimir Semenikhin, Honorary Consul of Kazakhstan in Monaco; Doriana Marzocco; Monika Assaraf, President of ERI; Beatrice Fresko- Rolfo, National Council; and Jack Anderson, international attorney.