Serge Telle tests positive for Covid-19

Monaco’s Minister of State Serge Telle has tested positive for Covid-19, becoming the Principality’s 9th confirmed case of the novel coronavirus.
The government released a statement at 12.30pm on Monday 16th March revealing the test results. It said Mr Telle is “not very symptomatic” and his “state of health is not cause for concern”. Serge Telle has been confined to his home and is receiving medical follow-ups coordinated by the CHPG.
The Minister of State is continuing to “pursue his professional activities from his home, avoiding all contact. The working meetings with all members of the Government will now be held by video conference,” said the government in a statement just released.
Serge Telle becomes the 9th person in Monaco to test positive for the novel coronavirus. An investigation is underway to determine his movements over the past few days and the people with whom he is said to have been in contact.
He is not the only government official to test positive in the region. On Monday afternoon it was revealed that Mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi has also tested positive for Covid-19. He has also been confined to his home.