A call for participation has been put out for those who would like to make a difference during this year’s European Waste Reduction Week under the theme ‘Circular Communities’.
European Waste Reduction Week (EWWR), this year running from 20th to 28th November, is the biggest initiative to promote the implementation of awareness-raising actions toward sustainable resources and waste management during a single week in Europe. They invite volunteer countries to promote awareness-raising acts that can be followed throughout the year.
This year, they are asking people, companies, and clubs to join in and set up activities created for the general public or a target audience to follow, including school children, colleagues or associations.
The theme of 2021’s EWWR is ‘Sustainable Communities’ and can be expanded to include the idea of circular economic networks. The challenge is to inspire people to act together in solidarity to shape circular communities to reduce waste and to think of the next generations who will need absolute collaboration if they are to effectively fight against waste production.
“The actions carried out under the EWWR address the 3Rs: Reducing waste, Reusing products, Recycling materials — in this order. These are the main Rs, though there are many others, to have in mind when re-evaluating consumption habits,” say the organisation, who request all ideas for projects for the week work using this as a guide.
Last year, despite the pandemic and its restrictions, the week of 21st to 29th November saw over 10,600 actions related to waste reduction, product reuse, recycling, as well as clean-ups that were carried out across 33 countries in Europe and beyond.
The first information meeting will be held on 15th September at 9am by videoconference with a second planned for 28th September at 8am at #starsnbars, where a round table of actions will be discussed. Both events must be registered for.
Contact the Department of the Environment for more information or to register at environnement@gouv.mc
Call-out for Waste Reduction Week