Business & Finance

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Monaco’s Carlo shopping app continues enormous success

More than 1,000,000 purchases were made via the Carlo app during 2023 and there are now 65,000 users as well as 653 partner businesses signed up to the service.

Bulgaria and Romania formally join the Schengen area

In a move heralded as “a great success for both countries and a historic moment”, the European nations of Bulgaria and Romania have officially joined the Schengen area.

company strike-offs

More than 500 companies struck-off in Monaco in 2023

Over 500 companies were formally struck off during the course of 2023, up more than 21% on the year before.

women entrepreneurs

Women launched nearly half of all new companies founded in France last year

A total of 378,000 new companies were founded by women in France last year, according to data collected by URSSAF.

Exclusive: Mayor Flavio Di Muro discusses Ventimiglia’s renaissance powered by Monaco’s investments

In an exclusive interview with Monaco Life, Mayor Flavio Di Muro discusses Ventimiglia’s incredible transformation from border town to luxurious international hub, powered by strategic investments...

Top global business hubs

Top global business hubs: where to find opportunity in the next five years

Singapore has come out on top of a new list released by the EIU that compiles data from nearly 100 business indicators to predict the best places to do business between now and 2028.