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How to fix errors or omissions on French tax returns

If you have discovered a mistake after filing your French tax declaration, there is a quick and easy way to fix it, but only for a limited time period. Here's what you need to know about the...

Nice, Cannes and Grasse to benefit from France’s “sustainable industrial recovery” plan

Over 180 historically “industrial” areas of France, including towns and cities on the French Riviera, have been selected to be part of the Territoires d’Industrie programme, which is committed...

taxe d'habitation

Taxe d’habitation due date for second home owners fast approaching

The taxe d’habitation may have been abolished for primary residences earlier this year, but it is still applicable to those who own second homes, and the due date for payment is just around the...

monaco's gdp

Monaco’s GDP hits €8.34 billion, growing by almost 50% in a decade 

More modest than the massive 21.9% growth of 2021, which allowed the Principality to "erase the effects of the health crisis and surpass its pre-pandemic level of wealth creation by 6%”, the 11.1%...

Real Estate: Luxury property prices falling in Monaco, London and Geneva

According to the latest Prime Global Cities Index from Knight Frank, global luxury house prices are continuing on a steady upwards trajectory, but that’s not the case in Monaco. 

Diplomacy news: Four new ambassadors accredited in Monaco

Ambassadors of Korea, Portugal, Moldova and Rwanda are among the latest to be recognised and welcome by the Monaco Government and Prince Albert.