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Régulus: A new architectural sculpture by Guillaume Aubry at Villa Paloma

Princess Caroline of Hanover has inaugurated 'Régulus', an architectural sculpture created by Guillaume Aubry, in the garden of Villa Paloma.

Monaco to celebrate Bastille Day with family-friendly ‘apéro’

On Saturday 14th July, the Marché de la Condamine will host a huge apéro-style event honouring France’s National Day, a date that marks the famous Storming of the Bastille in Paris during the...

Turner’s triumph: Grimaldi Forum unveils ‘Turner’s Sublime Legacy’ summer exhibition

From misty English landscapes to the enchanting canals of Venice, 'Turner's Sublime Legacy' at the Grimaldi Forum Monaco paints a vivid portrait of J.M.W. Turner’s enduring influence on art and...

Interview: artmonte-carlo ambassador Safia El Malqui

Step into Monaco’s cultural spotlight with artmonte-carlo this weekend at the Grimaldi Forum, where elegance meets artistic excellence. Ambassador Safia El Malqui explains more about the event’s...

Wannenes Auction House: Insights into the jewellery world and market trends

Teresa Scarlata of Wannenes Auction House reveals exclusive details about the upcoming 'Bijoux et Sacs de Luxe' Wannenes auction and the history behind some of the rarest pieces on offer.

Monaco Art Week: The Walking Tour Part II

With a record number of galleries taking part in this year’s Monaco Art Week, the traditional press Walking Tour was split into two. Here, we present the next round of galleries that are taking...