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Monaco’s record week of Covid

It is a record that no one wants to set. Within the space of just five days, Monegasque health authorities have recorded a massive 151 new cases of Covid-19.

France extends Covid booster shot to all adults

France will make Covid-19 booster jabs available to all adults from Saturday, the health minister announced on Thursday, ruling out lockdowns to curb a fifth wave of infections. 

Boris’ nightmare: It could happen to any of us

As if mixing up his papers in the glare of the world’s press was not enough, what appeared to happen next to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was excruciating to watch.

New film campaign targeting signs of violent crime

A documentary-style film highlighting the signs to look for in a person being abused has been created in Monaco to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Incidence rate hits 198 in Monaco

For the second week running, the circulation of Covid-19 in Monaco has doubled. Meanwhile, the EU has just approved the first Covid treatment pill.

Protest group calls for end to masks at school

A group of parents have launched a protest campaign highlighting what they say are the absurdities in the government's decision to continue mandatory masks for school children.