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New book exchange up and running in Monaco

If you’ve already read the book you got for Christmas, why not swap it for a new novel at one of Monaco’s two book exchanges?

What changes in France on 1st January 2024?

Plans to pay second home owners in rural areas €5,000 to help ease the housing shortage among a raft of changes and schemes coming into effect in France from January.

Pierre Dartout discusses ambitious plans for urban and environmental transformation

Dartout's insights to Monaco Matin offer a glimpse into Monaco's commitment to progress while maintaining its unique character and fiscal health.

Interview: Cecilia Bartoli on taking the Opéra de Monte-Carlo to new heights

Cecilia Bartoli talks to Monaco Life about being Director of the Opéra de Monte-Carlo, keeping opera relevant in today’s world and attracting big names to the Principality stage.

monaco private school

More parents than ever before are choosing private over public education in Monaco

Private school enrolments have risen by 22% in Monaco over the last decade, increasing the share of privately taught students to a full third of the overall school age population.

Festive Fiat 500 parade brings holiday cheer to Monaco streets

The annual Classic Fiat 500s parade transformed Monaco into a unique festive wonderland.