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Thurs Jan 12 at 6.30 pm, Happy Hour Musical series: chamber music concert by Ensemble Figaro at Auditorium Rainier III – Troparium

With Véronique Audard and Marie-B. Barrière-Bilote, clarinet, Frédéric Chasline and Michel Mugot, bassoon, Laurent Beth and Patrick Peignier, cor. On the program: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig...

Thurs Jan 12, from 7-9 pm, Philosophical Workshop: “Do robots have a body?”

At Théâtre des Variétés Ali Benmakhlouf and Jean-Michel Besnier, philosophers, organised by Les Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco.

Fri Jan 13-Sun Jan 15, Sailing: Monaco Sportsboat Winter Series (Act III), organised by the Yacht Club of Monaco

Information: +377 93 10 63 00

Fri Jan 13 @7 pm, Ciné-Club: screening of the film “The Island” at Saint Nicolas Church – Foyer Paroissial

Followed by a debate on “Is science still at the service of man?”. Information: 06 80 86 21 93

Fri Jan 13 @ 8:30 pm, “The Ark of the Heart”, Charitable Gala at Théâtre des Variétés:

In aid of ARCH by Jean Vanier. Information: 06 61 78 29 05

Sat Jan 14 Espace “2nd Trophée du Rocher” dance competition at Léo Ferré

Organised by A.S.M. Dance. Information: 06 122 123 84