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Solar Impulse continues to highlight clean technology

The pilots of Solar Impulse 2, the solar powered plane that completed a 43,000-kilometre (26,700-mile) journey around the world earlier this year, have other plans, the pair told a press conference...

Queen Latifah to be given royal honour

The Princess Grace Foundation-USA has announced that the award-winning actress, singer, songwriter and producer, Queen Latifah, will accept the prestigious Prince Rainier III Award for her...

Landmark aviation agreement in Paris

The Paris Agreement, which, as announced by the United Nations is due to enter into force before the end of 2016, does not explicitly mention the aviation sector, and the International Civil Aviation...

Diplomacy accreditation for Nepal, Mexico, Romania

On Monday, Mr Gilles Tonelli, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, received, at a luncheon at the Hotel Hermitage, three new ambassadors: HE Ms Ambika Devi Luintel, Ambassador Extraordinary...

Addressing cancer

Over 100 people attended a jam-packed cancer research fundraiser for Project AIR at The Address restaurant on rue de Millo last week. The evening included an auction of paintings by Paul Walsh and...

Butting out in November

Tobacco remains the number one cause of avoidable death and chronic illnesses. The fact that 60 percent of smokers would like to quit the habit shows that they understand the dangers, the Government...