Covid-19: Prince’s Government warns against complacency amid Eris variant

As the public prepares to head back to school and the office en masse, the government is encouraging everyone to remain vigilant in light of a new strain of Covid that is circulating, although it adds that there is no plan to impose restrictions on the population.

According to the latest figures, the number of Covid-19 cases being recorded in the Principality and the neighbouring Alpes-Maritimes department has risen due to the emergence of a new EG.5 variant called ‘Eris’, which is a sub-lineage of the Omicron variant.

“The Covid-19 virus is still circulating. However, to date, the situation does not require imposing restrictive measures given the minor symptoms caused by the latest strain of the virus in circulation and the absence of impact on the Princess Grace Hospital Centre,” said the government in a statement on Friday 1st September. “However, we must exercise the greatest vigilance by continuing common sense actions such as wearing a mask in the presence of symptoms and up-to-date booster vaccinations, particularly for people at risk of serious forms and people aged over 60 years.”

People who do test positive for Covid-19 and suffer persistent systems can consult their treating physician who “has full discretion to prescribe work stoppages if individual situations require,” says Health Minister Christophe Robino.

The government says that although the vaccines currently offered are effective against the virus, a new vaccine, adapted to the Eris strain in circulation, is being validated by international health authorities with the aim to be administered before the winter period.

In the Principality, vaccination appointments can be obtained by contacting the Monegasque screening center at (+377)


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