Covid vaccine dates brought forward to combat rising case numbers

The first doses of the latest Covid vaccine have landed in the Côte d’Azur two weeks early following a spike in local cases. 

The school and summer holidays are over, and with the return of kids and adults to school and work comes the usual round of viruses that make their way through the population. Amongst those is the latest variant of Covid, a sub-variant of Omicron that reared up earlier in the year.  

France had set a mid-October date to launch the next vaccination campaign, but in light of a rising number of cases, officials have decided to move the date to 2nd October to allow vulnerable people a chance to get a jumpstart on protection.  


Unlike in the darkest days of the pandemic, getting the latest Covid inoculation is non-obligatory, but is being recommended for those over 65, those with co-morbidities, pregnant women and nursing home residents.   

It is also encouraged in those who work with or have regular contact with the vulnerable. Though these people are being prioritised, anyone who wishes to do so can be vaccinated so long as it has been six months since their most recent injection, according to the Health Department.  

A public vaccination centre in Nice located at 10 Rue Hancy is offering jabs, as are a selection of pharmacies in the region. For a list of doctors, nurses or pharmacies offering the new Covid vaccination, click here


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Photo source: Daniel Schludi, Unsplash