Dangerous heatwave set to break records across southern Europe

heatwave europe

Europe is likely to experience record-breaking heat in the coming days, with temperatures in parts of the Mediterranean basin threatening to reach more than 48°C.

Europe is being slammed with another massive heatwave.

Called the Cerberus heatwave – named by the Italian Meteorological Society after the three-headed monster that features in Dante’s Inferno – it will mostly affect France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Croatia and Turkey, which are now all preparing for a spate of seriously hot weather.

Temperatures in Sicily and Sardinia could reach as high as 48°C, becoming “potentially the hottest temperatures ever recorded in Europe,” according to the European Space Agency, whilst Spain could see sweltering 45°C days.  

Locally, the mercury could climb as high as 40°C in the Var. The predictions for the Alpes-Maritimes and Monaco are slightly lower, but could still tip the scale at 35°C. 


Locals and tourists are being advised to drink lots of water and avoid caffeine and alcohol. It is also recommended to stay indoors during the hottest parts of the day and leaving exercise for cooler hours.

The signs of heatstroke to be aware of, particularly in the elderly and children, include: confusion; dry, red skin; and a lack of perspiration. Heatstroke is very serious and in extreme cases can lead to organ failure, convulsions, seizures and even death.  

Last summer’s heatwaves were connected to 61,000 deaths in Europe.

This latest heatwave follows on the hottest June ever recorded in Europe.  


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Photo source: Valentin Kremer, Unsplash