December performances for Monaco Ballet

Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo has two upcoming ballets they will be performing at the Grimaldi Forum, giving Covid-weary dance lovers an early Christmas present.

The first ballets, Dov’é La Luna and Opus 60, will be performed together over three shows. Dov’é La Luna features seven dancers who solemnly explore the place between life and death and darkness and light. Opus 60, created by Jean-Christophe Maillot, is an upbeat tribute to his upcoming 60th birthday and is a reminder of the passing years.

There are two 8pm shows being performed on 11th and 12th December, and a matinee show will be held on 13th December at 4pm.

The next ballet, coming up on 18th and 19th December at 8pm, is the classic fairy tale of Cinderellareimagined by Maillot. In this version, the title character is surrounded by a vain, idle family that only cares for material goods. Cinderella is against this kind of world and chooses simplicity, with the stripping down of her life symbolised by her bare foot. It doubles as a celebration to the part of the body that makes dance possible.

Both are excellent holiday treats for those looking to make this year’s Christmas a bit brighter.

Photo by Alice Blangero