“Designing Dreams, A Celebration of Leon Bakst” at the Villa Sauber ends January 15. Last year marked the 150th anniversary of the birth of this artist, whose name is inextricably linked to the great adventure of the Ballets Russes.
With its own collections, the archives of SBM and numerous loans, the New National Museum of Monaco has been offering an exhibition centred on the major ballets for which Leon Bakst created the costumes: including Scheherazade and the Spectre de la rose. Besides costumes, drawings, prints, models, props, visitors can also witness Bakst’s passion for textile design.
It’s natural that the NNMM turned to the artist Nick Mauss to design the exhibition. The latter has produced numerous creations inspired by the fabric patterns by Bakst, the most notable of them being the interior drape adorning the staircase of the Villa Sauber whose decor is entirely stencil.
As this important exhibition demonstrates, the Russian artist continues to have a strong influence on contemporary designers.
Villa Sauber is open this weekend 10 am to 6 pm. Admission €6.