The Fifth High Level Conference on the Reform of the European Convention on Human Rights was held in Copenhagen on April 12 and 13, after which a Declaration was adopted by the all Council of Europe member states.
The signatory states reaffirmed their commitment to ensuring that the Convention constitutes an effective, targeted and balanced tool implemented in a concrete manner at the national level.
Similarly, while welcoming the efforts of the European Court of Human Rights to improve the clarity and coherence of its judgments, the Declaration emphasises the need for the Court to ensure a careful and balanced interpretation of the provisions of the Convention, within a margin of interpretation left open to the States to continue.
The Conference was also an opportunity for each Minister of Justice of the Parties to the Convention to deliver a speech. Mr Laurent Anselmi, Director of Judicial Services of Monaco, and President of the Council of State, emphasisedl the Principality’s unwavering commitment to the system of protection of human rights established by the Convention.
He also underlined Monaco’s determination to promptly implement the judgments of the Court, while noting that the French authorities also remain very attentive to judgments concerning other States.
PHOTO 1: The Monegasque delegation was composed, from left to right: Mr. Maxime Maillet, Administrator at the Directorate of Judicial Services, Mr Laurent Anselmi, Director of Judicial Services, President of the Council of State, and Mr Jean-Laurent Ravera, Head of the Department of International Law, Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Directorate of Legal Affairs.
PHOTO 2: Mr Laurent Anselmi, Director of Judicial Services, President of the State Council, during his speech at the Copenhagen High Level Conference on Systematic Reform of the European Convention on Human Rights.