The neighbouring Region Sud (formerly PACA region) is the most affected in France with an outbreak of gastroenteritis, the doctors’ group Les Sentinelles reports. The elderly are the most seriously affected and dehydration is a warning sign.
Meanwhile, the seasonal influenza outbreak has resulted in almost five percent of the local population succumbing, placing the Region Sud in second place nationally behind Paris. Patients may suffer from very high temperatures, ranging up to 40 degrees and with the fever lasting for five days. The age of patients admitted to local hospital runs from one month to 90.
Elderly people are advised to drink liquids liberally. Those affected by influenza are in danger of contracting pneumonia, especially the very elderly, local doctors have warned. Local hospitals have reported a dramatic increase in cases – up by between 30 and 35 percent – in the last week.
Article first published January 4, 2018.