Environmental Training for Yacht Crew platform launches crowdfunding campaign 

etyc crowdfunding campaign

The MonacoTech-backed entity ETYC – Environmental Training for Yacht Crew – has launched a crowdfunding campaign to bolster its new online platform that offers sustainable solutions to yacht crews worldwide.  

Since the beginning of the year, the ETYC team has been developing a ground-breaking online project that it hopes will bring about significant changes to sustainability within the yachting industry.  

“The innovative platform will provide a comprehensive solution to raising awareness and educating yacht crew on environmentally friendly practices,” says Claire Ferandier Sicard, the founder of ETYC. “Our aim is to provide crews with the tools and knowledge to enable them to reduce their impact on the environment through their day-to-day activities. Thanks to this platform, we will be able to showcase the boats that are taking action to reduce their impact, as well as inspiring those who are not doing so to do so. We no longer have a choice: we have to take concrete, significant, widespread and faster action if we want to reduce our CO2 emissions.” 

ETYC founder Claire Ferandier Sicard. Photo supplied

The platform will unify a raft of international entities and players that already provide sustainable solutions for the yachting industry in an effort to build long-term partnerships in a very movable world.  

“This crowdfunding campaign is of vital importance to bring our platform to fruition,” says Ferandier Sicard. “While there are currently solutions available that can reduce yachts’ environmental impact by over 50%, they are not universally accessible due to the constant mobility of the boats. We are committed to supporting yacht professionals in the most efficient way possible by adapting our solutions to their specific needs.”  

The funds raised will go towards the completion of the project and “facilitate its widespread implementation”, she adds. 

ETYC joined the MonacoTech incubator in March of this year, having already won prizes at the Start-Up Weekend and Business Competition in Monaco.  

To learn more about the project and how you can contribute, please click here 


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