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Sports: Monte-Carlo Historic Rallye

Port Hercule Quai Antoine 1er

Just three days after the WRC event, the 27th edition of the Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique will take place, featuring a selective course on the legendary “Monte-Carlo” special stages, open to cars that competed in the Monte-Carlo Rallies from 1911 to 1983.

Lecture: What Stone Tools Reveal About Prehistoric Cognition

Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology 56 bis Blvd du Jardin Exotique

Svetlana Kuleshova will present her research on prehistoric cognition and language evolution through stone tools on 30 January at the Musée d’Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco, organized by the Association Monégasque de Préhistoire.

OPMC: Mozart in Monaco

Auditoirum Rainier III Boulevard Louis li, Monaco

The Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra’s 2024/2025 “Mozart in Monaco” series includes a Musical Happy Hour featuring OPMC musicians performing works by Mozart, Haydn, and Boccherini.