Feeding the elderly and vulnerable

Monaco’s ‘meals on wheels’ programme for seniors and the frail is a perfect example of how the community is coming together to help those most in need.
The Monaco National Council extended its meal distribution service at the start of the coronavirus crisis, mobilising students and teachers at Lycée Technique et Hôtelier de Monaco (LTHM) with the support of Isabelle Bonnal, Director of National Education, Youth and Sports, and under the leadership of headmaster Jean-Marc Deoriti-Castellini.
The team at LTHM have joined forces with those at the Princess Grace Hospital Centre (CHPG), which already provides meals to beneficiaries of Home Help throughout the year – on average 150 each day.
To ensure the smooth running of the service, staff of the Service des Seniors and de l’Action Sociale manage the reservations and the dispatching of meals on a daily basis. The Service du Domaine Communal – Commerce, Halles et Marchés, with the assistance of the chef of the Municipal Restaurant Julien Baldacchino, is in charge of creating the menus in collaboration with the chefs at the LTHM.
While all schools in the Principality are closed, the LTHM opens its kitchens from Monday to Friday for the production of balanced and varied meals, the number of which is constantly increasing.

Photo: Mairie de Monaco

Every day, 150 lunches and 75 dinners are prepared in the kitchens of the LTHM before being delivered to members of the community aged over 70 and the frail, by staff from the Service des Seniors and de l’Action Sociale de la Mairie de Monaco and volunteers from the Monaco Red Cross.
The meal trays include starter, main course, cheese, dessert and bread and are priced at €9 for lunch and €15 for lunch and dinner.
Meals provided to low-income recipients are paid for by the council.
For more information, contact 93 15 22 99 from Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 6pm.
Top photo: Mairie de Monaco