Fifth Covid victim within a fortnight

Monaco’s Covid fatality rate continues to rise sharply, with the death of an 88-year-old woman on Thursday.
The government reported the death in its daily Covid count on Thursday, saying, “The Princely Government offers its sincere condolences to the family and relatives of this person. We wish to assure them of our full support in these painful times.”
The 88-year-old female resident marks the 8th Covid fatality since the epidemic began. Five of those deaths have occurred since 1st January 2021, compared to three deaths in the entire year of 2020.
Faced with a rising incidence rate, the Monaco government has regularly boosted health measures in the Principality, most recently closing restaurants in the evening and bringing the curfew forward one hour to 7pm.
Meanwhile, there were 17 new confirmed coronavirus cases on Thursday, bringing the total in Monaco to 1,145.
Currently, 30 people are being cared for in the Princess Grace Hospital Centre, 14 of whom are hospitalised residents. The intensive care unit is treating nine critical patients, of which six are residents.
There are 114 people with mild symptoms being monitored by the Home Monitoring Centre, and 21 new recoveries brings that total to 947.