Final push to pull Monaco out of lockdown

Restaurants, bars and cultural institutions are set to reopen in Monaco on 2nd June, as the government prepares to initiate phase three of its deconfinement plan.
Finance Minister Jean Castellini and Health Minister Didier Gamerdinger held a press conference on Wednesday to lay out the exact details of phase three, which will take effect within two weeks.
According to Mr Gamerdinger, the positive direction of the health situation in Monaco is enabling the reopening of a number of activities in the Principality, a decision which is supported by the Head of State, Prince Albert.
Businesses now have 10 days to prepare, said the government’s finance minister.
The most awaited reopening is obviously that of restaurants, which have already been informed of the strict hygiene rules they must comply with, said Jean Castellini.
Tables will be separated at acceptable intervals, with a maximum of four to six people per table. Reservations will be required to avoid waiting in groups. Condiments must be provided in individual portions.
Meanwhile, menus must be readable on customers’ phones or displayed on boards. Individual menus are not allowed. The government is going so far as directing the type of music to be played in these establishments, encouraging “moderate” background music.
Valet parking can resume as normal if health rules are respected.
Bars can also open on 2nd June but under the same conditions as restaurants, so table or sofa seating must be provided to avoid people from gathering around the bar. Again, the government says music should not exceed a limited number of decibels. Reservations will not be required in bars.
In certain circumstances, some restaurants and bars will be authorised to use more public spaces and terraces, in agreement with the Town Hall if necessary. Nightclubs are not allowed to reopen, for now.
Museums and artistic institutions
Museums and exhibition halls are also free to start welcoming the public from early June, according to strict health measures.
The open-air cinema will resume, however traditional cinemas will remain closed for the time being. Gaming rooms are set to open their doors, and the SBM, says the government, has already presented various initiatives that it is planning to ensure the health and comfort of customers. The possibility of opening convention centres is still being studied.
Sunbathing is allowed provided there is a 1.5 metre distance between towels and mattresses, even within the same family.
Individual sports will be allowed, however group sports will be examined on a case by case basis. Solariums can reopen, however saunas and hammams will have to wait, unless they provide individual installations.
A partial reopening of council créches is scheduled for Tuesday 9th June to Friday 28th August, if the health conditions at the end of phase two allow it. Due to strict sanitary rules, only two establishments will reopen however: the Ile aux Bambins and the Monaco-Ville crèche for a total of 80 places, reserved for the children of parents who are experiencing great difficulty in childcare.
Photo: Louis XV will be able to start welcoming customers from 2nd June, courtesy SBM