The 2018 summer season at Fort Antoine launched on July 3 with “Italy Brazil 3 to 2”,
beautifully performed by Solal Boulodnine, the only actor on stage, alongside Jean-Marc Montera, musician.
The Fort Antoine Theatre seeks to develop a lively and eclectic theatre while at the same time listening to the voice of contemporary creation. It is a place of meetings, of conviviality, but also support for new talent.
Upcoming performances in July: Tuesday, July 10: ‘Nothing is so cold,’ Naomi Wallace by Flacara Company; Thursday, July 12: John Paul II – Antoine Vitez – ‘Meeting at Castel Gandolfo de Jean-Philippe Mestre’ offered by the Diocese of Monaco – Department of Culture; Tuesday, July 17: ‘Men in the Making’ after Bruce Machart’s novel by The Operating Room; Tuesday, July 24: ‘Boxon (s) – up to no more power’ of Stéphane Jaubertie by the Small Bread Theatre; Tuesday, July 31: ‘Patrick’s stowaway,’ by Patrick Kermann of the Arketal Company.
The shows start at 21:00. All information at: