France to invest a further €200m in electric vehicle charging stations

france electric charging

An additional €200 million has been allocated to the expansion of France’s network of electrical vehicle charging stations, adding to the €320 million already spent on building nearly 140,000 points since 2016.  

The announcement that France’s budget for electric charging stations would be given a considerable boost was made by Minister of Energy Transition Agnès Pannier-Runacher and Minister Delegate for Transport Clément Beaune at the end of October.  

In total, €200 million will be added to the ADVENIR kitty, which has already soaked up €320 million and installed close to 140,000 charging points since 2016. The government says that this new lot of funds will allow the tally to reach 400,000 public EV stations nationwide by the end of the decade.  

ADVENIR, the financing programme for the development of electric vehicle charging points, is also in charge of training stakeholders and spreading public information on the financing available to individuals and businesses interested in electric mobility.  

The additional injection of cash announced last month will specifically support “collective residential infrastructure to facilitate charging at home, charging on roads and on public land for everyday charging for people who do not have a private parking space; and charging dedicated to heavy goods vehicles to support the decarbonisation of goods transport”. 

12 “winners” of the second call for fast charging station projects were also revealed by the ministers, who confirmed that 19 of these projects are now either in development, underway or complete. Together these projects represent 4,400 fast charging stations, the majority of which are equipped with power over 150kW, and have required a total investment of €33o million by the French state. 


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Photo source: Chuttersnap, Unsplash