Free Business Expo

The Monaco Business Expo’s 8th annual event will be held on Tuesday at the Auditorium Rainier III, enlightening entrepreneurs on the specifics of doing business in the Principality.

If the coronavirus crisis has taught us anything, it is that no one is an island, especially when it comes to economic security and the importance of help from local authorities. To this end, representatives from Monaco’s local administrative entities will feature prominently at the Monaco Business Expo being held on Tuesday 27th October from 9am to 6pm.

The trade fair aims to “benefit all the services dedicated to companies” and features various workshops and networking events. In addition to the exhibition area, conferences and round tables follow one another throughout the day.” Speed-networking, a fast-paced way to meet as many potential investors and entrepreneurs as possible in the shortest amount of time, will also be featured.

The event will inform visitors and entrepreneurs about the Principality as a business destination and will feature several helpful local associations and organisations. Amongst these are the Welcome Office, the Financing and Economic Development Division of the Department of Economic Expansion, the Department of Labour and Employment Services, the Social Funds of Monaco, the French Customs Office in Monaco, the Monegasque Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies and the Graduates Integration Commission.

The Monaco Business Expo will take place in respect of all barrier gestures and in strict adhesion to Covid regulations. Entry is free.