Giu Monte-Carlo puts healthy living at the centre of cancer prevention discussions

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Monaco wellness brand Giu Monte-Carlo shone a light on how healthy living practices can be contributors to preventing cancer at a conference punctuated by talks and speeches by respected members of the well-being industry.  

Held at the Méridien Beach Plaza Hotel, Giu Monte-Carlo‘s Pink October Wellness & Cancer Prevention Conference saw a roster of professionals from the wellness community deliver a series of thought-provoking speeches on topics ranging from diet and nutrition to how genetics can play a part in a person’s health. 

One highlight was a talk by Ordre de Médecins member Professor Franco Borruto on how microbiota, the microorganism that live in and on each person’s body and vary from individual to individual, are affected by things such as lifestyle, environment, diet and genetics. Many of these outside influences are things that can be controlled, thus giving every person following a healthier path a better chance at warding off disease, he explained to a captivated crowd.  

The lecture by Professor Borruto was followed by a talk from dietician and nutritionist Véronique Liesse, who spoke of how nutrition and micronutrition influence immunity, as well as a presentation by Doctor Zuzana Miniconi Obran, a Monaco-based physician who specialises in preventative and anti-aging medicine.  

No nutrition and wellness focused event would be replete without a nutritious meal and guests at the Pink October Wellness & Cancer Prevention Conference were treated to delicious and nourishing dishes created to inspire positive food and lifestyle choices.  

After the meal, a fashion show featuring models in various shades of pink took to the catwalk to show support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, with many in attendance also donning rosy tones.  

Proceeds from the event went to local charity Ecoute Cancer Réconfort, which provides assistance and moral support to people suffering from cancer in and around the Principality.  

Click on the images below to see more from the event:


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Photos supplied by Giu Monte-Carlo