Government boosts Sunday shopping

commerces-dimanche_900x900The opening of shops on Sunday, introduced by the government in 2006, will take place again this summer from Sunday, July 9, to Sunday September 10.

All merchants in the Principality are invited to participate to help improve services for visitors and tourists.

Shops and restaurants are being offered financial help in paying wages for Sunday work, as long as they open for at least five Sundays during this period, up to a maximum of seven.

Merchants need to apply for special permission to open on Sundays, as the Principality’s labour laws specify Sunday as a work-free day. Applications should be sent to the Labour Inspectorate (La Frégate, 2, rue Princesse Antoinette).

With the support of the Tourism Office, a dedicated website is online and lists, in detail, all participating businesses, as well as restaurants and museums open on Sundays. To be included on this site, participants in the programme should approach the Welcome Office with their dates and opening hours.

