The Grimaldi Forum will be illuminated in gold evening during the month of September as part of the Shine Gold initiative, supporting those who suffer or have suffered with childhood cancer.
Shine Gold is a project developed by the European Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOPE), who began by lighting up emblematic sites in Belgium. The popularity of the initiative has spread and is now being played out in cities across the continent.
The name Shine Gold comes from the universal symbol for raising awareness of this paediatric disease, the gold ribbon.
The Grimaldi Forum took up the torch in order to highlight the Flavien Foundation, Monaco’s first association to battle against childhood cancers and other rare diseases.
For SIOPE’s part, they hope to remind people that there are children fighting for their lives all year, not just in September, and wishes to put a spotlight on them and those who are in the struggle with them.
“During September, and throughout the year, we honour the children and young people battling cancer, the families who care for them, the healthcare professionals and their caregivers, the survivors, the children who lost their lives, and the scientists dedicated to beating childhood cancer,” their website states.
For more information on SIOPE, go to To find out more about the Flavien Foundation, visit their site at or on Facebook @FondationFlavien and also by following the Hashtag #Septembreenor.
Grimaldi Forum shines light on childhood cancer