Home confinement extended by two weeks

Prince Albert has ordered the extension of lockdown measures until 15th April, in line with a decision taken in neighbouring France.
Monaco went into lockdown on 17th March, with movement throughout the Principality restricted to “essential” trips only.
In order to continue efforts made over the past 10 days to try to contain the spread of the virus, the travel restriction measures will be extended for a period of two weeks starting next week.
“It is essential to remember that the virus does not circulate alone, it is the movement of people that promotes the pandemic,” said the government in a statement. “It is for this reason that the Princely Government, at the request of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, has taken a series of necessary measures to protect the national community.”
Only limited travel to get food and medical supplies, or to assist a vulnerable family member is allowed. A short trip outdoors to walk pets or for individual exercise is also allowed.
Public places not essential to the life of the country remain closed, in particular restaurants, cafes, concert halls, cinemas, casinos and nightclubs.
The only establishments to remain open are food stores and markets, pharmacies, tobacconists, newsagents, gas stations and banks.
The night curfew between 10pm and 5am is also maintained and shops are not allowed to accept the public from 9.30pm.
Police officers will be enforcing the lockdown measures and can issue those who do not comply with a fine of €200.
Photo by Monaco Life, all rights reserved