How to properly care for your pet in the heat

pet care heat

If you’re feeling the heat, then chances are so is your pet. Here’s the official advice on caring for your pet during a heatwave and high summer temperatures.  

It’s that time of year again. Temperatures are soaring – it is likely to reach 30 degrees Celsius, if not more, across the French Riviera and Monaco in the coming days – and the shade is starting to look much more enticing than the sunshine.  

It’s important to remember that just as people can suffer from heat stroke, dehydration and discomfort due to overexposure to the sun and high temperatures, so can our furry friends.  


One tip is refilling your pet’s water bowl reach time you yourself reach for the cold tap. This basic reflex could go a long way in avoiding dehydration. You can even add a few ice cubes to the bowl. 

Consider placing a cool, dampened towel on the ground for your pet to lie on or even lay it across their underbellies – if your dog or cat will accept it, of course. 

For those with a pet who really suffers in the heat, you might want to invest in a cooling jacket or mat for more consistent relief.  


The experts say owners should make sure pets have a nice, shady place to relax in. If there is a doggie pool in the garden, keep it in a shady place as well to prevent sunburn – yes, animals can get it too – and to avoid the water from getting too warm to be of any use.  

It’s also suggested that owners skip the walks in sweltering heat. If a walk is necessary, make it a morning one, when the air is at its freshest.  


In addition to the aforementioned trick of putting ice cubes in water bowls, frozen treats can also be a part of their mealtimes. Freezing yoghurt or lactose-free milk into cubes and adding them to the morning meal is a refreshing option. Putting wet food on “licky mats” and popping them into the freezer before serving is also a big hit. There are even pet-friendly ice lolly recipes that are easy to make and great for keeping pets cool.  


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Photo source: Mel Elias, Unsplash