In the news: Tunisia MedFund talks, Generation Z in the workplace and top school results

All the latest news, developments and information from the Principality of Monaco.

Delegation in Tunisia for cooperation talks 

Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Monaco’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, led a delegation on a working visit to Tunisia between 3rd and 6th July.

The trip included a meeting with the Board of Directors behind MedFund, a trust fund for protected marine zones in the Mediterranean that was established by France, Monaco and Tunisia.  

Berro-Amadeï also spoke on the “commitment of the Prince’s Government to entrepreneurship for women and young people in the Mediterranean region” in the context of the support given to two programmes – J-Med for youths in the Mediterranean basin and the Mediterranean New Chance Network for recruitment of young people – by the Principality.  

An agreement on a project to back refugees and asylum seekers in their search for employment in Tunisia was also signed during the trip.  

Excellent Baccalaureate results a testament to Monaco’s schooling system 

After a round of initial results were released last week, the success rate of Monaco’s students in their Baccalaureate exams has been officially revealed. Across all streams of the Bac, there was a 98.9% pass rate and almost eight in 10 pupils received honours.  

Minister of State Pierre Dartout attended a ceremony this week to commend the students who received special honours in their Baccalaureate. Photo credit: Manuel Vitali / Monaco Communications Department

Via a press statement, the Monegasque government said, “At the end of this school year, the Prince’s Government once again sends its warmest congratulations to all pupils and students whose efforts and conscientiousness have now been rewarded by results which once again are a credit to the Principality… They illustrate the quality of education in the Principality and the unwavering commitment of the teaching community and staff at schools and at the Department of Education, Youth and Sport.” 

The full breakdown of results can be found here 

Committee for Graduate Employment reflects on a strong 2022 

The 13th meeting of the Committee for Graduate Employment (CID), which was founded in 2010 as a way of facilitating “the integration into Monaco’s economy of Monegasque graduates or graduates who have links to the Principality”, took place earlier this month, with members gathering to discuss the developments and progress made in 2022.  

Last year saw a significant increase in the number of internships, work-study programmes and “first job” hirings in Monaco, according to the CID. 

Also discussed at the meeting was how the so-called “Generation Z” is “changing the world of work” with a unique set of workplace attributes and attitudes that is markedly different from previous age groups, such as a strong sense of self and the confidence to make requests of a potential employer that “their elders would probably not dare to formulate”.  

To date, the Committee has helped over 400 young people find first-time employment.  

The Committee has so far helped more than 400 young people with connections to the Principality to secure first-time employment. Photo credit: Frédéric Nebinger

€7,500 donation finances new instrument at the Académie Rainier III

The Rotary Club de Monaco has made a generous donation of €7,500 to the Académie Rainier III, enabling the prestigious music and arts school to purchase a spinet, a form of instrument from the harpsichord family.

The Club’s president, Alain Dewé, handed over the cheque in person, alongside the Rotary Club’s soon-to-be new treasurer, Marco Calégari.

Members of the Rotary Club de Monaco with Mayor Georges Marsan. Photo credit: Mairie de Monaco


Also in the news recently in Monaco:

Monaco mourns the accidental death of Prince’s Carabinier

‘Summer at Port Hercule’ kicks off on 14th July!

Boys choir Les Petits Chanteurs de Monaco on tour in the US


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Featured photo credit: C-IADH