Italian Covid cases on the rise

Italy’s daily Covid count hit over 1,000 cases in a single day on Saturday, the first time since lockdown was eased back in May. However, authorities say another lockdown is not on the cards.

One of Europe’s worst-hit nations during the height of the epidemic, Italy, bounced back and became one of the first to reopen its borders and internal doors back in May after an incredibly strict lockdown period.

Fast forward to today. There was a steady increase in daily cases over the summer months, but not an alarming jump as was the case in other places in Europe, such as in France and Spain – until last weekend.

Saturday saw 1,071 new reported cases hit the books, causing the government to react with words of comfort to dispel fears of a repeat of last spring. Italian Health Minister, Roberto Speranza, spoke to reporters after a meeting held by European Health Ministers, stating that he does not foresee a new lockdown and assured the public that Italy’s health system is strong and has learned much since the last episode.

The number of available beds for patients has doubled in intensive care units throughout the country and they are prepared for local spikes, say authorities.

Italy’s situation is far less grave than those of Spain and France, who have seen their infection rates skyrocket over the past weeks, however the daily death toll remains low.

There have been over 35,000 Covid-related deaths in Italy, with the peak being back in March and April. The country decisively fought back with strict measures, but the summer months have brought tourists back, as well as young people gathering in night spots, which authorities believe have almost certainly caused the new rise in cases. As a result, the government shut down all nightclubs over a week ago and made masks mandatory between the hours of 6pm and 6am to try and stem the tide.
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Photo: Pixabay