The inaugural meeting of Mentors Club Monaco, a groundbreaking mentoring programme conceived by Alexandrine Noghès, a 16-year-old student from the Principality, was held at the start of this month in the presence of Prince Albert II and a host of leading business and government figures. Noghès’ forward-thinking initiative aims to guide high school students in Monaco as they explore potential career paths by connecting them with accomplished professionals from diverse industries.
Mentors Club Monaco, which held its first meeting on 4th December, is an innovative new concept in the Principality. Rather than being led by a businessperson or philanthropist, this fresh and focused club is instead headed by a local teenager, Alexandrine Noghès, a student at the Lycée Albert Ier.
Noghès and the club’s objective are clear: to help students in Monaco discover their passions and future professional vocations by providing access to mentors who can share their expertise and experiences. Some 30 mentors from fields such as law, medicine, aviation, sports and entrepreneurship have already signed up to support the scheme.
Secondary school students can get involved by completing a career questionnaire, which helps pair them with a mentor whose expertise aligns with their aspirations.
“The mentors will help spark ideas and enable us to discover as many different professions as possible,” Alexandrine told Monaco Info. “Each mentor has something that they can pass on to a teenager.”
The inaugural meeting featured a number of prominent guests, including Geneviève Berti, Director of Monaco’s Communication Department; Monegasque freediver Pierre Frolla; Stéphane Valeri, CEO of the Société des Bains de Mer; and Frédéric Genta, Interministerial Delegate for Attractiveness and Digital Transition. Prince Albert II was also present for the inaugural meeting. Together, this involvement from high-ranking officials and leading business minds highlights the extraordinary potential of this initiative to shape and support the Principality’s future generation of professionals.
Alexandrine drew inspiration from the speed mentoring programme organised in 2022 by SheCanHeCan and the Association of Women Business Leaders of Monaco. Determined to expand on this concept, she rallied her friends to help create Mentors Club Monaco.
“A mentor’s job is to pass on and share his or her experience and skills, and to guide a teenager on their pathway,” said the engaging student.
With its diverse and dedicated mentors, Mentors Club Monaco promises to be a transformative experience for participating students. By bridging the gap between education and the professional world, it offers young people invaluable tools to shape their careers and their futures.
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Main photo: Prince Albert II of Monaco with 16-year-old Alexandrine Noghès, the founder of Mentors Club Monaco
Photos credit: Stephane Danna / Monaco Communications Department