Mairie branches out into horticulture

The Monaco Media Library is now offering a whole new concept with its ‘bouturothèque’, a dedicated space for plant lovers.
Situated on the 2nd floor of the Louis Notari Library, the bouturothèque is a place for people to exchange cuttings, share knowledge and experience, and also plant discoveries.
The bouturothèque is open to everyone, not just members of the media library, and operates according to a simple principle: bring the cutting of an ornamental plant that you wish to exchange and place it on the dedicated console; identify it using the labels provided, specifying the name of the plant and care tips if possible; the, choose another plant from those offered for trade.
There also books on botany, gardening and biodiversity available to the public, as well as the library teams who will be happy to answer any questions and offer their advice.