Monaco adopts more accurate Covid counting method

Monaco will now only report the number of resident Covid-19 cases, a move which follows the Principality being placed on various countries’ “red lists”.

Until Thursday 20th August, Monaco’s Covid case reporting system was based on the number of people who were tested in the country and found to have the virus, regardless of nationality or residence. This led to numbers for Monaco appearing higher than reality, and in some cases, led to double reporting as the affected person was also counted in their country of origin.

As a result, both Monaco’s statistics and that of the overall global count were inflated.

Now, the Monaco government has put in place a new model that reports the country of residence of the infected person, not the place of detection. This is in line with other countries’ reporting systems and will give a more accurate picture of the situation on the ground in the Principality.

At present, Norway, the UK and, most recently, Switzerland have all put Monaco on their quarantine-upon-arrival lists due to the number of new cases coming out of the Principality.

As of Friday 21st August, the revised tally puts the number of confirmed Monaco resident cases down to 102, while an additional 48 cases have been recorded from non-residents.

The new counting system also affects hospitalisations, mortality and cure rate figures. Of the three people hospitalised in Monaco currently, only one is a resident, while the other two are non-residents. As for deaths, one Monaco resident has passed compared to three non-residents since the start of the pandemic.

Those who have been given the all-clear are also counted separately, and now include 82 patients from the Principality and 33 from outside the border. 

It is yet to be seen whether the new, accurate counting system will lead to Monaco being removed from red lists.