One of the world’s lowest-lying countries, and the most at risk of rising sea levels, the Seychelles, is hoping for support from Monaco in minimising global warming.
Last week Seychelles President Danny Faure held bilateral talks with His Serene Highness Prince Albert on the margins of the 22nd Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 22) in Marrakesh.
Recalling the deep attachment of the Principality to issues related to sustainable development, President Faure stressed that Seychelles and Monaco enjoy excellent relations.
The two leaders spoke at length on how the two countries can collaborate more and effect change on numerous global issues, most notably on climate change and the need to raise awareness on the necessity of including oceans in the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
President Faure and Prince Albert also discussed various topics of common interest, including the preservation of world heritage, ocean governance, and the importance of more robust action in addressing the various vulnerabilities of small nations.
READ MORE: Prince presents Foundation award at COP22