Monaco boosts testing capacity at schools and workplaces

As part of renewed efforts to limit the spread of Covid in Monaco, the government is equipping every student with a free self-test upon their return to school on Monday, while employers will also be able to purchase cheap tests for their employees.  
The government made the announcement on Monday while revealing the latest round of measures to curb the spread of Covid in the Principality.
As of Monday 3rd January, each student will find on their desk a Covid test which can be self-administered.
By the start of the school year, each parent will receive a message from the Department of National Education, Youth and Sports informing them of how to use the test, which is free, voluntary and easy to use.
The rapid nasal test is recommended by pediatricians and utilises a small sponge that is inserted at the entrance of the nostrils.
Teachers will also be informed of how to use the tests.
The government is also making 50,000 self-tests available to business owners who wish to order them, at a subsidised rate, for their employers.
The aim is to detect and treat Covid-positive people as quickly as possible to break the chain of contamination.
Meanwhile, from 10th January, the mandatory health pass will be extended to a number of other sectors that involve close contact with the public, including hairdressers, tattoo parlours and sports halls. Staff and customers of these activities must provide a valid health pass.
Photo source: Manuel Vitali, Communication Department