As people across the globe adjust to new levels of isolation dictated by the Covid-19 pandemic, Equilibre Monaco is kicking off a new initiative to help local businesses stay afloat through these turbulent times.
The way we conduct our affairs has changed almost overnight, and the question of how business will continue throughout and after this crisis has become increasingly pertinent to all our livelihoods. Equilibre is doing its part to support the community, shifting their focus to offer a completely complimentary service of consultation and auditing companies’ existing digital platforms, aimed at helping them achieve the advanced level of digitalisation vital to staying connected in this socially-distanced era.
“The unfortunate truth is that a lot of companies do not even realise that they are not fulfilling their potential,” says Equilibre founding partner Ediz Erguc. “Digital influence has long been an important factor in marketing and communications, but now with people all over the world confined to their homes, they are turning to online options wherever they can.”
Reasons for underperformance in this field are varied, ranging from complacency, to a lack of understanding of the digital world, to simply not having the time or manpower to dedicate to digital marketing while endeavouring to deliver a high standard of products and services. It may have been easier to justify in the distant past by saying that face-to-face interactions and personal relationships are a better way to do business.
However, in our newly isolationist society, online communication has suddenly leapt from being merely advisable to absolutely essential. And those who think they are off the hook because of last Friday’s absentminded social media post, think again. “It can be a little more complicated than some people realise,” adds Quinn Pendleton, “but that is where we are hoping to help. If we can give our local businesses the tools they need, they can come out of this period stronger. In the end that benefits everyone.”
Equilibre offers a Google Prime partner service with an extensive team of Google-certified engineers and developers at their disposal. Combined with an award-winning creative team that focuses on helping companies with the right message and visuals, Mrs. Pendleton says it justifies the company’s name as truly encompassing the “Balance between creativity and technology”.
Equilibre’s interactive audit form, available on their website, walks users through a series of questions designed to prompt a deeper consideration of a company’s current status, ramping up from how they are performing in Google search results, to how they are tracking and segmenting the audience for email campaigns, to whether or not tag implementation is being correctly utilised to track online sales conversions.
And not to worry; if the answer is ever, “I don’t know,” the Equilibre team will be right there to spell it out and help guide you through it. “We actually hope there are a lot of ‘I don’t know’ replies” continues Mrs. Pendleton, “that means our help will prove to be even more valuable and educational.”
The information gleaned from this process will allow them to provide a customised consultation based on their years of experience growing the businesses of their clients in Monaco and abroad. They will be able to identify whether or not a company is utilising the available tools such as Google and social media platforms, assess a website’s traffic generation and engagement with potential customers, help to set realistic goals regarding sales, leads, and brand awareness, and make an action plan for the business to move forward.
“Following trends will never measure up to setting them,” continues Mr. Erguc. “For better or for worse, the world will be a different place once we come through this crisis. Our daily habits will have evolved, and in many regards, there will be no reason to go back.”
As consumers adapt and settle into a new, more digital way of life, it is the companies who are already there to meet them who will thrive.
For further information, visit the website:
Photo: Pixabay
Monaco business supporting local entrepreneurs