Monaco launches new energy-efficient building competition

Monaco’s Department of Equipment, Environment and Urban Planning, in partnership with A4MT, a Paris-based company that creates sustainable market engagement and change programmes, has unveiled a new energy-efficiency focused competition for businesses looking to make a positive change: MonaCube.  

A call to public and private companies has been put out in the Principality following the launch of MonaCube, the Efficient Building Use Competition. It is hoped that the contest will inspire the different companies and sectors present in the Principality to increase the speed in which they are integrating energy-saving techniques and practices into their premises.

The ‘Cube’ concept, already successfully implemented in France for more than a decade, gets its acronym from Concours Usage Bâtiment Efficace, or Efficient Building Use Competition in English. Its goal is to “familiarise candidates with the correct use of energy on a daily basis”.  

The hope is that the one-year contest will encourage businesses to think harder about how they can save energy, whether that be through optimising air conditioning, replacing outdated heating and ventilation systems or switching to lower energy-consuming lightbulbs.  

Company bosses and management will also be urged to speak with their employees, inspiring them in turn to make positive changes with regards to their own actions while at work. 

Those who make the most significant changes will be rewarded in some way for their efforts. 

The overarching objective is to reduce the emissions generated by businesses in Monaco by 55% by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.  


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Photo credit: Etienne Dang / Monaco Communications Department