Monaco restates commitment to refugees

The Global Compact on Refugees turned two this year and Monaco joined other signatories to review strategies and plans for the future in aid of displaced persons and host countries around the world.  

The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) held its first meeting on 14th and 15th December to take stock of the implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees, two years after the first Global Refugee Forum was held in December 2019 in Geneva.

Monaco was represented at the meeting by Isabelle Rosabrunetto, Director General of the Department of External Relations and Cooperation, and spoke about Monaco’s commitment to promote the pact’s four primary objectives. These objectives, which include relieving pressure on the receiving countries, strengthening the autonomy of refugees, creating viable solutions in third countries and promoting conditions for the displaced to return to their countries of origin in safety and dignity, were explored and discussed.

“The Principality is committed to guaranteeing the fundamental rights of refugees, weakened by the health and socio-economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, and to promoting empowerment, in particular of women and girls,” said Ms Rosabrunetto in her speech.

She also took time to speak on the government’s pilot project, titled ‘Access to higher education for young refugees and displaced persons in humanitarian and development professions in West Africa 2021-2024’. The project is intended to be a solid way to improve the lives of refugees and host countries and is supported by the Principality, UNHCR, and the Bioforce Training Institute. The goal is to raise the number of refugee students in higher education to 15% by 2030, a vast improvement over the current 3%.

Monaco is one of the programme’s main per capita contributors, ensuring access to education, health and sustainable employment to displaced persons in host countries.

Photo of Isabelle Rosabrunetto, Director General of the Department of External Relations and Cooperation, source Monaco Government, DR