Monaco has reaffirmed its dedication to gender equality by taking part in the 69th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, held in New York from 10th to 21st March. Marking the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the event focused on key global challenges, and Monaco was there to showcase the progress it has made.
During the general discussion, Alyson Calem-Sangiorgio, Second Secretary at Monaco’s Permanent Mission to the UN, highlighted the steps the Principality has taken to advance gender equality. She spoke about Monaco’s efforts to update outdated laws, the creation of the Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women’s Rights, and initiatives aimed at improving women’s access to education and healthcare. She also stressed the importance of training programmes for professionals who assist women facing violence.
A renewed global push for equality
The session ended with a political declaration, agreed upon by all participants, reinforcing the urgent need to fully implement the Beijing action plan. While progress has been made, major challenges remain, and Monaco joined the international call to break down barriers and keep pushing for lasting change.
Sport as a driver for empowerment
One of Monaco’s key contributions this year was ensuring that sport was recognised as a powerful tool for empowering women and girls. Thanks to Monaco’s input, the final declaration now includes sport alongside education, digital access, and healthcare as key areas where equality must be improved. The declaration also calls for an end to all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls, reinforcing Monaco’s commitment to this cause.
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Photo of the United Nations Headquarters in New York, source: Wikicommons