Monaco Smart and Sustainable Marina to return for third edition

Monaco Smart and Sustainable Marina 2022

Building upon the success of the past two editions, the Monaco Smart and Sustainable Marina Rendezvous will return for a third edition in September, bringing together the major players in the industry in the quest for sustainable solutions. 

250 attendees from 26 countries are already confirmed to be participating in the event, which will take place at the Yacht Club de Monaco from 24th to 25th September. Entrepreneurs, startups, industrialists, financiers, promoters, marina developers and architects will all be present at the Nexus event, which brings together all of the major players in the industry. The goal, as it has been in the previous two editions, will be to promote the development of more sustainable marinas.

Bruno d’Alessandri attending last year’s edition of the event. Photo credit: © Martin Messmer

The Yacht Club de Monaco’s General Secretary, Bernard d’Alessandri, will open the event alongside the CEO of Monaco Marina Management and organiser of the initiative, José Marco Caselini, before roundtable discussions, networking events and an evening cocktail dinner take place, giving participants the chance to exchange their conceptualisation of the “marina of the future”.

The second day of the event will entail multiple sessions, looking at a diverse set of topics, ranging from the impact of the new generation of yachts on marina infrastructures to social media’s influence on ports and yacht clubs.

It is hoped that, just like in prior editions, the 2023 Monaco Smart and Sustainable Marina Rendezvous will facilitate wide-reaching discussions on sustainability issues and emerging challenges within the industry.


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Photo credit: © Martin Messmer