Monaco tests its cyber security capabilities

A national cyber security exercise called ‘Tartare’ has been played out in Monaco, testing the Principality’s capabilities of handling a major cyber attack. 

The exercise on Tuesday 25th June was designed to assess the reaction capacities of the Monegasque Digital Security Agency (AMSN) and the directorates of the Interministerial Delegation responsible for the Digital Transition (DITN). It was held at the National Crisis Management Centre. 

According to the Monaco Government, the intricate and complicated test scenario was inspired by real events, of which many people and entities are victims on a daily basis across the world. It was developed by the French company Orange Cyber ​​Défense.

In addition to the technical response, the Monegasque State, through the department of the Interior and with the support of several ministerial departments, was also mobilised in organising a scenario to refine the final system of the Significant Events Management plan (GEVIM) which will come into force in the coming months and which will replace the current ORMOSE plan.

A new management tool for collecting, structuring and processing information from the different departments involved was also tested at the National Crisis Management Centre.

At the end of the exercise, “which overall went perfectly”, according to the government, a review was organised with all the participants, highlighting the successes and areas for improvement of the system and its organisation.

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Photo by Monaco Life