Monaco town hall shares the spirit of Christmas

Children from across the Principality rejoiced last week as the Monaco mairie held its three-day Arbres de Noël gift-giving event with one very special visitor… 

Organised by the Mairie de Monaco and taking place each December, the event themes each of the three evenings around a beautifully decorated tree. Created specifically for the children of the Principality, it has evolved into a much-loved Christmas festivity, and this year’s event from Wednesday 14th to Friday 16th December was particularly special, as it marked the end of a two-year hiatus following the global Covid-19 pandemic.  

Welcomed by an impressive crowd of nearly 800 delighted children in total, Santa Claus made his much-awaited entrance accompanied by his elf helpers and a mountain of gifts with which to shower the awaiting youngsters.  

Following the same process as in previous years, the first day saw the youngest children welcomed by Santa to the Nativity Scene Christmas Tree, followed by the Town Christmas Tree for older children on the second day. Finally, the children of mairie staff enjoyed the closing event.  

The festivities were lovingly and carefully prepared by the Seniors and Social Action Service and the Early Childhood and Family Service of the town hall, with no detail left forgotten.  

The result, as always, was a warm and joyful atmosphere with colourful Christmas decorations and an alley of fir trees as well as the familiar entertainment that families have come to expect and love.  

Every child left with their hands filled with a gift, their bellies filled with popcorn and pancakes, and their hearts filled with the joyful Christmas spirit. 



Photo source: Mairie de Monaco/Ed Wright