The local French newspaper Monaco Matin reminds its readers that traffic laws in Monaco differ from those in France. Firstly, there is not a points system for driving licences. Secondly, there are two infractions in France that are not illegalities in the Principality. The wearing of a seat belt and the use of earphones and other headphones connected to a telephone when driving are not illegal in Monaco.
In France using earphones or headphones can result in a fine of 135 euros and the loss of three points since the law was changed on July 1, 2015. The same fine and points penalty applies to those not wearing a seatbelt.
Monaco’s prescriptions for careful driving is more general, with Article 3a of the Highway Code stipulating that every driver of a vehicle must to keep himself constantly in a position to execute all maneuvers which are incumbent upon him without delay, and failing that, any offender may expose himself to a fine of 22.50 euros. Drivers caught using a telephone while driving in Monaco face the same fine of 22.50 euros.